Your Friend The Handgun

Number 390 of a Series

The 2A people remind me you need to keep a gun handy in case some random person attempts to enter your house. How is that working out?

South Carolina college student fatally shot trying to enter wrong home – police

Associated Press and Guardian staff
Mon 28 Aug 2023 12.16 EDT

A University of South Carolina student was shot and killed as he apparently tried to enter the wrong home on his off-campus street over the weekend, police said.

Nicholas Anthony Donofrio, 20, of Madison, Connecticut, was dead by the time police responded to reports of a home burglary and shooting, according to a Columbia police department news release. Officers found his body on a front porch at about 2am Saturday, and Donofrio had a gunshot wound to his upper body, the release said.

Police said preliminary information indicated that Donofrio, a sophomore, lived on the same street as where he was shot but apparently was attempting to enter another home. The shooting occurred in a Columbia neighborhood adjacent to the campus.

I am guessing what some people term as “mental illness” was involved or else it is open season on neighbors in South Carolina.

Abusing Science

Number 217 of a series

These people make it up faster than you can read it. For example:

Were Dinosaurs on the Ark?

Dinosaurs must have been Ark passengers. Most dinosaur fossils were formed by the Flood, and God told Noah to take two of every land vertebrate alive before the Flood. There were far fewer dinosaur kinds than species or genera, and the average size of a full-grown dino was about the size of a bison/buffalo. But Noah probably boarded much smaller juveniles a year before their growth spurt.

The Ark had an equivalent volume of 340 semitrailers, so there was plenty of room for all the animals, water, and food.

This episode features Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Joel Tay. Talk is produced by Joseph Darnell out of the CMI-USA studios. Become a monthly contributor at our donation page. Share your thoughts in the comments and share the video with your friends!

This is from Creation Ministries from their posting on Facebook. John Sarfati we have seen before. Here is a clip from the North Texas Skeptics site.

Jonathan Sarfati has contributed a scathing critique of creationist Hugh Ross’s The Genesis Question. [5]  He writes:[6]

The astronomer Hugh N. Ross now seems to be the world’s most prominent ‘progressive creationist’ (PC). While he is insistent about distinguishing himself from ‘theistic evolutionists’ (TEs), Ross adopts the same basic philosophical approach. That is, he makes uniformitarian (i.e. essentially materialistic, billions of years, etc.) ‘science’ his authority over Scripture.

You may want to follow the link and watch the video. I will be watching it later.

Bad Joke of the Week

Number 568 of a Series

Yes, there is a Web site for Air Force jokes.

  • The only time you can have too much fuel is when you’re on fire.
  • An Air Force aircraft comes careening down the runway. It’s anything but smooth. fishtailing. and leaving a line of burnt rubber and sparks behind it. Tower: “Need any assistance, Airman?’ Pilot: “I don’t know, we’re not done crashing yet!”
  • How do you know if there’s an Air Force pilot at your party? Oh, don’t worry. He will definitely tell you as soon as he walks in.
  • An Airman and a Marine walk into the restroom at the same time. The Airman finishes up and heads out. When the Marine is finished. he washes his hands and then catches up to the Airman. “Hey, buddy. In the Marines. they teach us to wash our hands after we take a leak.” The airman responds, “In the Air Force. they teach us not to pee on our hands.”
  • How do you know when your date with a fighter pilot is halfway over? He says. “Enough about me. Want to hear about my plane?”


Beginning a New Series

This stuff is going to come up frequently, so it’s time to start a new series. It will serve as a vehicle for posting interesting images. Like the one above.

See the mugshot of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Twenty-two years ago he was hailed as “America’s Mayor” for his steadfastness following the attacks on September 11. Now he has been booked in the Fulton County jail in Georgia as a common criminal. All right, maybe not so common. The charges include working in concert with others to thwart the results of the 2020 election.

What a comedown. But, hey! It could happen to anybody. Anybody, that is, without a basic sense of morality. Who would have thought that association with Donald Trump could have resulted in such consequences? Anybody with half a brain.

Your Friend The Handgun

Number 389 of a Series

Thank Jesus we have the Second Amendment, which allows us to protect ourselves from objectionable people. For example.

A store owner was killed over a Pride flag she flew in front of her California business

Updated 2:33 PM CDT, August 20, 2023

CEDAR GLEN, Calif. (AP) — A dispute over an LGBTQ+ pride flag at a California clothing store spiraled into deadly violence this weekend when a man shot and killed the 66-year-old business owner right in front of her shop, authorities said.

The man ran away from the store after the shooting Friday night but was later found and killed in a confrontation with officers from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department.

The agency said Laura Ann Carleton was pronounced dead at Mag.Pi, the store she owned and operated in Cedar Glen. The small community in the San Bernadino Mountains is roughly 60 miles (96 kilometers) east of downtown Los Angeles.

Make sure you keep your weapon loaded, and make sure you have it with you at all times. You never can tell when you will encounter a flag that offends you.

Abusing Science

Number 216 of a series

Coming up with these posts I knock on a number of doors, but when I go to these people it’s always like opening Fibber Magee’s closet door. All kinds of weird stuff comes tumbling out. Here is something from Creation Ministries International.

Zhang Heng’s dragon seismoscope

by Gavin Cox

CC BY 2.0 © davebloggs007 | Fig. 1. [the image above]

A modern replica of Zhang Heng’s seismoscope housed at the Chinese Museum in Calgary, Canada.
Invented in the second century AD, the Zhang Heng1 seismometer (more accurately ‘seismoscope’, as it didn’t make a time record of the earth-shaking it detected 2) represented a significant scientific development of that day. It was almost lost to Chinese history and is only known from historical records and later reconstructions based on these.

So what does all of this have to do with creationism? I’m getting to that. Follow the link and read the article. Here is the pertinent excerpt.

Earthquakes are part of the fallen creation

Genesis 1–2 describes a perfect world, free of death and suffering. Earthquakes were therefore not part of that original, “very good” creation (Genesis 1:31), prior to the Fall. They are now part and parcel of life on Earth. The Flood itself was associated with globally widespread seismic events.6 Zhang Heng’s device was the first we know of to record and warn of such events.

Dragons represent cultural memories of dinosaurs

At this time in Chinese history, dragons were considered just as real as any other animal, including toads, as Zhang Heng’s seismoscope suggests. The Chinese Zodiac confirms this, where a cycle of 12 years is represented by 12 animals—the dragon is one, the 11 others are all commonly known animals (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, snake, horse, goat, monkey, chicken, dog, pig).7

The Chinese are known for decorating many objects with dragons; some early examples are reminiscent of recognizable dinosaur species;8 later ones become increasingly stylized. All this is no surprise when we recognize that the stories and depictions of dragons derive from memories of the dinosaurs of history, which survived on board Noah’s Ark. After the Flood, various types of dinosaurs, some more successful than others, dispersed across the earth. As a result, stories and depictions of dragons occur in virtually every culture—including China. Yet evolution teaches that dinosaurs all supposedly died out long before people walked the earth.

And I am not kidding. There are people walking this planet who believe this stuff. Bear in mind, these are people who are allowed to operate heavy machinery, to vote, and to possess sharp objects. Keep your eyes open. They are among us.

Quiz Question

Number 427 of a series

This week’s Quiz Question is one of those “find the difference” games. I enjoy doing these on YouTube, so I figured to do one of my own. The problem is to spot three differences between the two images above. You have 90 seconds,  but you can take longer if you need to.

Hint: One image is in black and white and the other is in color. Also the clue word is “helmet.” I hope that helps you find the differences.

Post your answer in the comments section below.

Bad Joke of the Week

Number 567 of a Series

Here is a selection of very offensive religious jokes.

Next time someone asks you if you have found Jesus: “Have you found Jesus?” “Damnit, did you guys lose him again? Seriously, start using bigger nails.”

What’s the difference between a picture of jesus and jesus….? only takes one nail to hang a picture.

A preacher was taking a walk one day and happened upon a young girl who was playing with something in a cardboard box. When he got closer he could see that the box held a litter of new-born kittens. “What kind of kittens are those?” asked the preacher.
“They’re Christian kittens,” replied the little girl.
The preacher walked on, pleased to see that the little girl had Jesus foremost in her thoughts.
A few days later the preacher saw the little girl again. “And how are your little Christian kittens doing today?” he asked.
“Oh, they aren’t Christian kittens, they’re atheist kittens,” replied the girl.
“But… I thought you said they were Christian kittens?” responded the preacher, concerned over the sudden change.
“Oh, they were. But now their eyes are open.”

I’m not a religious man. You guys can probably tell. But my uncle Tom—super—religious. Last month, he’s walking down the street, he gets mugged and shot in the chest. Now, miraculously—and I mean miraculously—he always keeps a bible in his left chest pocket, so he had something to read while he bled to death.

How do you know Jesus was a Jew? He lived at home until he was thirty. He went into his fathers line of work. Until his dying day he thought his Mother was a virgin and She though he was God.

Jesus walks into an inn. He tosses three nails on the counter and says, “Can you put me up for the night?”