Friday Funny

One of a series

It must have been about 25 years ago when I first came across TV preacher Kenneth Copeland. During that time a big interest of the North Texas Skeptics was the matter of faith healing, which the Dallas-Fort Worth area had its fill. Still does. We had (for a while) Robert Tilton, WV Grant, and Larry Lea. And what fun it was. One day at work I was discussing this cast of characters with a co-worker, and she agreed. “But Kenneth Copeland, he’s the real thing.” Now, that is funny:

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland has blamed the recent Louisiana floods on Republicans favorite scapegoat — President Barack Obama.

“I think the floods are an example of God’s wrath,” said Copeland on Trinity Broadcasting Network. “Things like gay marriage and transgender men being allowed to use women’s bathrooms make God angry. Also, Obama has the mark of Cain, so he will never have the Lord’s favor.”

The mark of Cain is a Biblical belief by certain Christians that states black people are cursed by God.

Yes, you did get it right! The great state of Louisiana was rocking along in 2016, scheduled to go through yet another dull year (dull by Louisiana standards), when BOOM! Two homosexuals decided to get married. Two homosexuals were doing what homosexuals always do when, out of the blue, one of them suggested, “I know what we should do today. Let’s go down to the courthouse and take out a marriage license.” That act, that thoughtless act, was the proximate cause of a $1.5 billion catastrophe.

Homosexuals out there, whatever you are doing, keep on doing it. But do it in private. People are drowning.

And that is funny.

Blessings of Faith

This came up earlier this week. We were watching the CNN special report, Atheists: Inside the World of Non Believers. And some of the people featured on the show were preachers, or former preachers, who do not believe in God. Jerry DeWitt was one of them:

Jerry DeWitt is an American author and public speaker, and a prominent member of the American atheism movement. He is a former pastor of two evangelical churches, who publicly deconverted to atheism in 2011. DeWitt is the former executive director of Recovering From Religion, a group which helps people find their way after a loss of faith.

But there was another. Another preacher who does not believe in God. And he’s still preaching. He gets up on Sunday and goes before his congregation and sounds forth the good word. Maybe on other days of the week as well. In his case nobody knows. The congregation has no clue they are receiving inspiration for somebody who does not believe.

And it came to pass that Barbara Jean spake unto me and said thus: “Tell me John, for you are my husband and most trusted advisor. How can such be true? Dost thou imagine that a multitude of the Lord’s messengers bear false witness?”

And I thought to myself. But only for a fraction of a second, for I know that a human life is but a second compared to the immense span of the history of God’s Universe. And I said unto Barbara Jean, “Yes.” And I proceeded to illustrate by example, for the Lord had recently provided me one by way of a cute meme posted on my Facebook feed. And here, forthwith, it is:


Keep reading. And may Jesus have mercy on your soul.