The Deplorables

Episode 5 Of The Continuing Adventures Of An American Crime Family

The shadow of an American crime family continues to fall upon the state of Texas. This from the campaign of Texas Senator John Cornyn.


Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment effort has been wrong for our country from day one. It was a rushed process. It was an incomplete process. It was a process that identified a punishment, then searched for a crime… It was a complete circus, and Nancy was the ringleader.

The Democrats have been at this charade for years. First it was Russian collusion, then obstruction of justice, then campaign finance law abuses and then violations of the “Emoluments Clause.” In each case, these outrageous accusations turned out to be untrue. Yet Democrats only looked harder for another excuse.

Now, we find ourselves heading into an official trial which could result in President Trump’s expulsion from office. Having tried every other trick in the book, the Democrats have now pushed our Constitution to the limit.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… As someone who served as a district judge, state Supreme Court justice and Texas Attorney General and now sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, I want to know…

  • What happened to the presumption of innocence in all this?
  • While Democrats say no one is above the law, why can’t they point to the law they think the President violated?
  • What happened to fundamental fairness? The House sat behind closed doors and concentrated all control in the hands of six Democratic committee chairmen. Where is the fairness?

As your Senator, I will be called upon to respond after House Democrats have rushed to impeach the President. That day has arrived.  

Chuck Schumer and Liberal interest groups are already stepping up efforts to pressure me. They want to use impeachment as a tool to beat me and turn Texas blue.

But John, I won’t budge.

I will start with the presumption of the President’s innocence. I will neither be sucked in nor fan the flames of wild rumors and political accusations.

The next few days represent a critical moment for America, and I need to know that you’re with me as I stand firm as the firewall between outrageous partisanship and the Constitution of the United States.

And then he asks for money.

There is so much to unravel here; I wonder where to begin. How about the first paragraph? “Wrong for our country?” How about right for our country? A president who flouted the law all his life and then carried those practices into the highest office of the land has now been brought to answer for crimes he committed while in office. Wrong for our country? We now begin to wonder whether it is you who are wrong for this country. You want me to contribute to your election campaign, and you do it while insulting my intelligence. You have mistaken me for one of your supporters from the lower reaches of Texas society. You need to aim higher.

Speaker Pelosi searched for a crime? Are you awake yet, Senator? The crime came barreling to the forefront in a manner that was impossible to ignore. What does this criminal president need to do to gain your disrespect?

You mention collusion with a foreign government, then you mention obstruction of justice, campaign finance law abuse and violations of the Emoluments Clause—all apparent to even casual observers. Here is a president who sucks up to a sworn enemy of the United States, manages illegal payments to assist in his campaign and profits monetarily from his position of power. These are all crimes worthy of prosecution. And you appear to deny anything wrong is going on. You say these accusations turned out to be untrue. It would appear you have only a loose acquaintance with the truth, Senator.

Yes, we are now headed into a trial in the Senate, but it is a trial that will not result in the president’s removal from office. He will not be removed, because you and your party affiliates will ignore the evidence and will vote to continue the ongoing travesty in the White House. You will be well-remembered.

You speak of presumption of innocence, and you trumpet your past legal experience. You know better, and still you persist. Prosecution of a criminal is not a violation of presumption of innocence. If it were, no criminal would ever be prosecuted.

You say the Democrats cannot point to a law the president violated. Really? Last time I looked, obstruction of justice and obstruction of Congress are laws the president appears to have violated. And do not speak to me of fundamental fairness when you and your cohorts appear set on not allowing any witnesses to appear at the impeachment trial.

You say Democrats are stepping up efforts to pressure you, and they want to use impeachment as a tool to beat you in the 2020 election. And you are playing into their hands by continuing to suborn criminal activity in the White House. Keep this up, and Texas will turn blue, and you can watch the inauguration next January on television.

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